Dear sportfriends,
let me invite you to the 2nd IARU World Youth ARDF Championship. We are preparing the event in the vicinity of the Mácha's Lake (in Czech Máchovo jezero) which belongs to the largest Czech ponds and is also one of the most popular summer holiday resorts. For the races we picked up two different terrains. You'll enjoy flat easily passable pine forest as well as difficult rocky terrain. As it becomes a standard in the last years, a sprint competition will be a part of the event. We believe our organizing team, being nearly identical to one of the EYAC 2013, will prepare supreme quality races and services, so our youth ARDFers will experience the feeling of the world championship.On behalf of the organizing committee, Karel Zeman, chairman
The event is organized with the kind support of the town of Doksy and Lesy České republiky

IARU Region 1 Child Protection Policy
IARU Region 1 has a legal obligation to take every practicable measure to ensure that young people taking part in this event are not exposed to risk. All adults who are team leaders, event organisers or organizing volunteers and competition officials (Jury members) will be required to sign the relevant declaration included in the Region 1 Child Protection Policy (Appendices 1 and 2)which can be downloaded here Should they not be prepared to sign the declaration, then they will not be permitted to take part in the event